Pedestrian Signal Equipment
The Transportation Division of DPW/Engineering Department and the Electrical Dept. have collaborated to purchase and install new pedestrian signal equipment ('Countdown' Pedestrian Signal Heads) at 3 locations in Medford. Countdown signals help promote walking by making crossings more user friendly, informing pedestrians how much time they have to cross the street. The 3 locations receiving these upgrades were chosen based on need and spreading these improvements throughout the City somewhat equally. They are as follows:
- Main Street at Harvard Street (South Medford)
- Boston Avenue at Harvard Avenue (West Medford)
- Riverside Avenue at Spring Street (Glenwood/East Medford)
The timeline for these improvements is over the next couple of months (winter 2024) but you may see work starting as early as February 2024. The equipment has already been ordered and received. The Electrical Dept. is working with a contractor on coordinating the installations. These improvements ae made possible by funding from the Transportation Network Company Fees the City receives to offset extra vehicle trips associated with rideshare vehicle trips in Medford.
We look forward to these great new improvements for Medford pedestrians in three different City neighborhoods.
Daylighting on High Street, Salem Street
Daylighting is when parking is prohibited next to corners and crosswalks, improving visibility for both pedestrians and drivers. Hashed pavement striping is used to emphasize which areas must remain clear. Per MA state law, parking is prohibited within 20 feet of any intersection.
(High St at Governors Ave, Medford Square)
Winthrop St speed tables and raised crosswalk
Raised crosswalks and speed tables slow vehicles down to improve pedestrian safety. This is especially important in high-use areas such as Winthrop Street, where many people cross between Veteran’s Memorial Park, the community garden, and the mystic river paths.
(Winthrop Street at Veterans’ Memorial Park)
Intersection Improvements Dexter St. & Bow St.
To respond to resident safety concerns, this intersection was changed to an all-way stop (approved by the Traffic Commission). Additionally, the city repainted edge lines to narrow lanes, repainted crosswalks and stop lines, and added enhanced Stop signs with solar-powered blinking LED borders.
(Dexter St & Bow St)
School zone warning beacons and radar signs at Medford High School
(Winthrop Street)