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Business Development


You decided to develop your business, here in Medford. Congratulations! We are thrilled to have you!

Our diverse community and wealth of cultural and historical values make Medford a great place to work and to grow your business, and we’re excited you’re here. Our City sits on the Mystic River and is approximately 3.2 miles northwest of downtown Boston. This proximity provides all the benefits of a major urban area, and easy access to Interstate 93 and other major routes connect us to the rest of Massachusetts and New England as well. Medford is home to over 57,000 residents, and approximately 1,563 businesses are already thriving here. The location, community, rich history, and bright economic future here make Medford a unique place for prospective growing business owners. Below are some good first steps for getting your business started!

Doing Business in Medford

City of Medford Business Guide

Begin here when starting a business in Medford!

Applying for a Business Certificate

Businesses located in Medford are required to file a business certificate with the City. Business certificates must be renewed every four years.

Learn More

Registering your Business

Businesses operating in Massachusetts must register with the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Annual updates are usually required as well. Begin and/or update your filings at the State's Office. 

State’s Office

Medford Chamber of Commerce

Medford has a very active Chamber of Commerce that is dedicated to advancing and improving the business climate, advocating on behalf of the members, and offering educational support for the entire community. Learn More


Business Data

Why do Business in Medford?

Understand Medford consumer demographics at the City and neighborhood levels.

City Demographics

Image of  several data sets of Medford Demographics


Square Demographics

Haines Square

The Hillside

Image of the Hillside in Medford

Medford Square

Image of Medford Square

South Medford 

Image of a mural in south Medford

Wellington Circle

Image of Wellington Square


West Medford

Image of the commuter rail in West Medford


Outdoor Dining 

Interested in creating outdoor dining for your business? Medford’s outdoor dining season lasts from March 1st to October 31st. Applications for the 2023 season are now open. Before applying, please review Medford's Outdoor Dining License Requirements.

Apply Here

Additional Information:

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Planning, Development, and Sustainability.
Yvette Niwa
Interim Economic Development Planner
85 George P. Hassett Drive
Medford, MA 02155
(781) 393-2480

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Questions? Get in touch!

Telephone: (781) 393-2480

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