Business Certificates
State law requires that any partnership or sole proprietorship, which is using a trade name, file a business certificate (commonly called a “DBA” certificate) in the community where their office is located. The certificate contains the name and address of the business and the names and residential addresses of all partners in the business.
To obtain information on business filings in the City of Medford – Call, write or come into the City Clerk’s Office with the name of the business. Please note that business certificates are filed by business name and owner’s name, not address.
To file a business certificate – You may obtain a business certificate form by calling, writing, appearing in person at the City Clerk’s Office, or by this form.
A Business Certificate is valid for 4 years from the date of issue and is available for a $30.00 filing fee. Signatures of all partners must be notarized before a filing will be accepted. Notarization of business certificates is available in the City Clerk’s Office. To have signatures notarized, partners should appear in person with picture identification. It is strongly suggested that businesses obtain the approval of the Inspector of Buildings before filing with the Clerk’s Office. This assures that the business is in compliance with the City’s zoning ordinances. Both sides of the business certificate need to filled out.