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Safe Medford


The report details ongoing interdepartmental work and lays out goals for continuing to address equity, inclusion, and social determinants of health.

Click here to read the full report (pdf) – updated February 2022
(note: to click quickly between sections in the report, open the “Bookmarks” icon in the pdf, in the upper right corner.)

On September 30, 2020, Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn and the City of Medford released a “Social Justice Roadmap,” a guiding document that provides details about ongoing interdepartmental work around equity and inclusion, and lays out proposed goals for continuing and expanding upon this work with the community at large. The report includes action steps the City has taken or that are currently under review date to address racism and the social determinants of health that disproportionately impact BIPOC, reports compiled, questions we have received from the community, and more. The document will be updated on an ongoing basis.

The City of Medford is committed to ensuring equity and accessibility of all City services, resources, programs, meetings and events, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, age, language ability, economic situation, or immigration status. To address institutional and systemic racism, ensure equity and inclusion, the City will continue to work across departments and with external organizations and agencies to address equity in all areas, including but not limited to:

  • Business & community development
  • Diversity & inclusion
  • General city government
  • Health and well-being
  • Housing
  • Policing
  • Transportation

“In June 2020, I officially declared racism a public health crisis in Medford, and we committed to addressing that crisis in a number of ways. To effectively move forward, it is important to understand our baseline and the work that has been done, both internally as a city government as well as with our many community partner agencies, and this document provides a deeper look into the incredible work that has already been done in many areas to address the social determinants of health,” said Mayor Lungo-Koehn. “I look forward to continuing this important work, especially with the community at large.”

To further this work and to update and enhance the report and its goals, the City will work with the Medford community in the coming weeks and months to ensure this is a guiding document that reflects the ideals, work, and needs of the entire community. The report will be updated regularly, and meetings, events, and programs related to these efforts will be announced in a number of ways as they are scheduled.

The full report is available in pdf format, here.
(note: to click quickly between sections in the report, open the “Bookmarks” icon in the pdf, in the upper right corner.)

If you have questions or comments, please contact Steve Smirti at or 781-393-2529.