Housing Resources
The City teamed with partner agencies Action for Boston Community Development, Metro Housing Boston, Housing Families Inc. and the Medford Housing Authority to hold a community meeting on housing resources available to the public.
Panelist offered insights and information on assistance programs, affordable housing applications and where to go if you’re worried about becoming unhoused.
Watch the presentation here.
Available Resources and Helpful Links
- Action for Boston Community Development Resources
- Housing Families
- Metro Housing Boston
- Medford Housing Authority
- Health Department Info
Action for Boston Community Development Resources
- Help pay first and last month’s rent with the Medford Move-in Program. Apply here: bostonabcd.org/medfordmovein
- Apply for additional rental assistance programs here: https://bostonabcd.org/service/rentalassistance/
- Info on Fuel Assistance programs: https://bostonabcd.org/service/fuel-assistance-2/
Housing Families
- Helps with legal assistance, access to emergency and stable housing, tutoring and after school programs for kids, and counseling and support.
- More info: https://housingfamilies.org/
Metro Housing Boston
- Rent Relief, Utility Arrears, and Eviction Prevention info: https://www.metrohousingboston.org/what-we-do/rental-relief-and-eviction-prevention/
- More info on services, resources and programs visit https://www.metrohousingboston.org/
Medford Housing Authority
- Apply for housing here: https://www.medfordhousing.org/public_housing/how_to_apply/index.php
- Section 8 Housing Voucher Program: https://www.medfordhousing.org/housing_choice_vouchers/participants/section_8_hcv_program.php
- More info: https://www.medfordhousing.org/
Health Department Info
There are a number of helpful links and online guides to help you navigate housing available on the City’s website. Visit https://medfordma.org/departments/health-department/ for more info.
Eviction Info
August 3, 2021
August 3, 2021: The CDC issued a new order temporarily halting evictions in counties with heightened levels of community transmission in order to respond to recent, unexpected developments in the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the rise of the Delta variant. It is intended to target specific areas of the country where cases are rapidly increasing, which likely would be exacerbated by mass evictions.
Read the order here.
January 19, 2021
January 19, 2021 (via Massachusetts Division of Local Services):
In the last 6 weeks, the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has made several important changes to the Governor’s Eviction Diversion Initiative, including:
- Creating an application process for landlords, who own up to 20 units in Massachusetts, to apply directly for RAFT/ERMA on behalf of tenants. More information here.
- Increasing the maximum benefit for all RAFT/ERMA eligible households to $10,000.
- Removing all sustainability requirements, including the recent rule that a landlord had to commit to preserving tenancy for 6 months to access more than $4,000 in RAFT.
- NEW free legal services are available to eligible tenants and low-income landlords in owner-occupied 2-3 family homes through the Covid Eviction Legal Help Program (CELHP). More information available here.
- NEW free community mediation services for eligible tenants and landlords who need help in reaching agreements that work for both of them. More information available here.
January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021 (via www.chapa.org): On December 30, 2020, Governor Baker enacted a law that establishes certain eviction protections and related policy changes. These provisions can help tenants better navigate through the complexities of eviction proceedings and help increase awareness of existing housing payment programs.
The new law establishes:
- Revised notices to quit for COVID-related evictions;
- Delaying eviction cases if there is a pending application for emergency rental assistance;
- Reporting requirements for the Eviction Diversion Initiative; and
- The creation of a task force to make recommendation on how to improve the Eviction Diversion Initiative.
For more information, visit www.chapa.org/housing-news/governor-signs-eviction-protection-law
Resources for Tenants, Homeowners & LandLords
We recognize that many community members may have questions or concerns about things like housing stability, rent payment and tenants’ rights, access to emergency services, and much more. The resources & benefits listed below are services that families and individuals who are in transition may find helpful.
If you are concerned about being able to pay your rent or mortgage, please contact your landlord, mortgage prevention counselor, or lender first about delayed or partial payments. Lenders and landlords are aware of the crisis and may be willing to work with you directly. Be sure to get everything in writing.
If you have any questions about utilizing the resources listed below, please leave a message describing your question and situation on the Medford Multilingual Resource hotline at 781-475-5644.
This line has been established to help answer questions, provide support, and make connections to services. Anyone can call 781-475-5644 and select a preferred language from the menu to leave a voicemail in their native language. Trained professionals in social work, mental health, and public health will return calls or correspond via email to ensure that residents are receiving answers to questions and connected to support services in their native language, through the use of interpreter services.
Watch the May 21, 2020 Housing Resources Information Meeting for information about housing resources in Medford.
Resources for Tenants
- Governor Baker’s Eviction Protection Law (effective 12/31/2020): https://www.chapa.org/housing-news/governor-signs-eviction-protection-law
- Emergency Rental Assistance administered by Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD)
- Legal Services and Emergency Rental Assistance administered by Housing Families, Inc.
- Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) and ERMA: Emergency Rent and Mortgage Assistance administered by Metro Housing Boston
- Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development
- The Attorney General’s Guide to Landlord and Tenant Rights: https://www.mass.gov/guides/the-attorney-generals-guide-to-landlord-and-tenant-rights
- Additional resources for residents facing eviction and/or in need of legal assistance:
- https://vlpnet.org/what-we-do/
https://gbls.org/MADE - Covid Eviction Legal Help Program: https://evictionlegalhelp.org/find-legal-help/
- Greater Boston Legal Services
197 Friend Street
Boston MA 02114
- https://vlpnet.org/what-we-do/
For a status update (January 2021) on the Medford Community Preservation Committee’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program, click here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Frequently Asked Questions
Can the city implement a rent freeze?
Any rent freeze or rent waiver must be implemented at the State level, the City does not have the legal authority to implement one on its own. If you’re a Medford tenant in need or concerned about making rent payments, please call the Office of Community Development at 781-393-2480.
I lost my job and will not be able to pay rent on time, will I be evicted?
Although the Massachusetts eviction moratorium has expired, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) national eviction moratorium is in effect until January 31, 2021 for qualifying tenants.
There are many legal steps required before you can be evicted. The process begins with a 14- or 30-day notice which can ONLY come after at least 5 days of non-payment from your rent due date. Once the notice is expired, a summary process is entered, and a court date is scheduled. The process of eviction can be long and often includes mediation, negotiation, and appeals. Ultimately, though, only a Judge has the power to evict you.
During this time of crisis, however, many owners and management companies are suspending this process and are ready and willing to work with tenants who have experienced a loss of income. We encourage you to contact your landlord/management company ASAP.
The City has partnered with ABCD and Housing Families, Inc to provide emergency rental assistance to income eligible tenants. In addition, Metro Housing Boston administers the State’s RAFT and ERMA programs, which offer financial assistance for housing expenses. Click on the links above or contact the Office of Community Development to discuss your situation and find out about options and resources.
COVID-19 Eviction Diversion – Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-eviction-diversion-frequently-asked-questions#i-am-a-homeowner-and-unable-to-pay-my-mortgage.-what-do-i-do?-
Please do not abandon your apartment out of fear! We are here to help you!
Resources for Homeowners/Landlords
- Emergency Rental Assistance administered by Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD). Landlords/rental property owners must be willing participants for tenants to qualify for rental assistance.
- Rent and Mortgage payment assistance through Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) and ERMA: Emergency Rent and Mortgage Assistance administered by Metro Housing Boston
- Information for landlords on emergency housing assistance: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/information-for-landlords-on-emergency-housing-assistance#details-on-the-raft-and-erma-programs-
- Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development
- The Attorney General’s Guide to Landlord and Tenant Rights: https://www.mass.gov/guides/the-attorney-generals-guide-to-landlord-and-tenant-rights
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
I lost my job and will not be able to pay my mortgage. What can I do?
If you are concerned about making upcoming mortgage payments, you should contact your lender as soon as possible. They may put in place provisions for borrowers who are impacted by this crisis. These may include extending payment deadlines or creating payment plans when needed. Income eligible homeowners may also be eligible for help with mortgage payments through the State’s RAFT and ERMA programs. It is important to contact lenders to discuss your situation, as missed payments can cause late and other collection fees to accrue. Visit www.chapa.org/foreclosure-info/massachusetts-foreclosure-counseling-agencies
My tenant just told me they lost their job and will have difficulty paying the rent going forward. What should I do?
If you are able, please consider working out a payment plan or providing a waiver of rent during their time of crisis. If they are income eligible, they may qualify for emergency rental assistance. The City of Medford has partnered with ABCD and Housing Families, Inc to provide this financial assistance for Medford residents, however landlords must be willing to participate in the program. In addition, encourage your tenant to contact us to find out if there are any other financial resources available to them.
COVID-19 Eviction Diversion – Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-eviction-diversion-frequently-asked-questions#i-am-a-homeowner-and-unable-to-pay-my-mortgage.-what-do-i-do?-
Directory of Resources and Partner Organizations
- Metro Housing Boston
- ABCD Malden
- Housing Families, Inc.
- Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)
- Heading Home
- Just A Start
- North Suburban Consortium (NSC)
- Utility Assistance Information
Metro Housing Boston
Metro Housing Boston offers a continuum of services to help people turn a safe, affordable home into a foundation for building a better life. Metro Housing|Boston offers free workshops and resources to any resident, renter – regardless of income – or property owner who has housing-related questions or concerns.
Services include: Homelessness/eviction resources, applying for housing vouchers, mortgage loan modifications and other housing related resources and questions.
Metro Housing Boston also administers the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) and Emergency Rent and Mortgage Assistance (ERMA) programs for Medford residents. Program funds can be used for housing-related expenses only. Appropriate uses of funds include, but are not limited to:
- Rental or mortgage arrearages.
- Security deposits.
- First and last month’s rent.
- Utility arrearages.
For more information on the RAFT and ERMA programs, CLICK HERE
For more information on Metro Housing Boston, CLICK HERE.
Location: 125 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2503
Phone: 617-859-0400; 800-272-0990 (MA only)
ABCD Malden
ABCD Malden administers Medford’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program made available through Community Preservation Act funding. ABCD provides eviction prevention and counseling services for Malden, Medford and Everett.
Emergency Rental Assistance – CLICK HERE
Emergency assistance phone number: 617-348-6347
In addition, ABCD administers numerous other programs such as providing fuel assistance through the LIHEAP (the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program).
Location: 18 Dartmouth St., Malden, MA 02148
Phone: 781-321-3431
Housing Families, Inc.
Housing Families, Inc. provides case management and advocacy for families that are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Housing families also provides housing stabilization, eviction prevention services and emergency financial assistance. HFI is offering targeted emergency rental assistance to income eligible Medford residences through a grant from the City’s Community Preservation Act program.
Pro Bono Legal Services and Emergency Rental Assistance – CLICK HERE
Location: 919 Eastern Ave, Malden, MA 02148
Phone: 781-322-9119
Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)
Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)
DTA assists and empowers low-income individuals and families to meet basic needs, improve their quality of life, and achieve long term economic self-sufficiency. As part of their overall offerings, DTA provides cash assistance, SNAP (food stamps), housing and shelter.
To check the status of your DTA benefits, or to apply for new benefits, visit DTAconnect.com or download the DTA mobile app on your smart phone. Benefits include:
- Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC)
- Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled and Children (EAEDC)
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Important Phone Numbers:
- DTA Assistance Line: (877) 382-2363. The line is open from 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., and during off hours you can access case information via our automated system.
Heading Home
Heading Home provides emergency, transitional, and permanent supportive housing. Shelter services help homeless individuals eventually find permanent housing through financial support, employment and education resources.
Location: The Schrafft Center, 529 Main Street, Suite 100, Charlestown, MA 02129
Phone: 617- 864-8140
General Inquiries: info@headinghomeinc.org
Just A Start
Just A Start provides rental assistance and emergency shelter assistance.
Please visit www.justastart.org/jas-covid-19-updates for regular updates about Just A Start’s Programs and services in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Location: 1035 Cambridge Street #12, Cambridge, MA 02141
Phone: 617-918-7518
Email: contact@justastart.org
North Suburban Consortium (NSC)
North Suburban Consortium (NSC)
Medford is a member of the North Suburban Consortium (NSC) lead by the Malden Redevelopment Authority, which administers U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) HOME Program– the annual federal block grant dedicated to the rehabilitation, creation and preservation of affordable housing. The NSC offers Down Payment Assistance loans (DPA) to First-time homebuyers.
Utility Assistance Information
Utility Assistance Information
Fuel Assistance
The LIHEAP (the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) is administered through ABCD and is available to homeowners and renters even if you live in non-subsidized housing with heat included in your rent. Eligibility is based on your annual income and how many people are in your family. Your gross family income must be at or below 60% of the Massachusetts median income.
Massachusetts Cold Relief Heatline: 1-800-632-8175