Complete Streets Project 2017
The City of Medford was awarded a grant to implement several high-priority complete streets improvements from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to increase safety and accessibility throughout the City.
The City, via site inspections and multiple meetings with stakeholders and with the assistance of transportation and traffic engineering consultants, Toole Design Group, LLC, devised a prioritization plan, along with a summary, which contained 20 projects, and which was submitted to the Commonwealth. Following are concept plans of the projects approved by the funding program.
The intersection of Salem Street and Spring Street, known as Haines Square: The City was awarded a $400K Complete Streets Program grant from MassDOT for this project. The project went into the bidding process and Charles Contracting was selected to construct the project. Project mobilization/construction to start Oct. 11, 2022. Although project construction is starting this fall, the construction will extend into Spring 2023 (with a pause over the winter months). The concept presented for this area includes constructing new curb extensions on Spring and Salem Streets, thereby shortening the crossing distance and improving pedestrian visibility; constructing new sidewalk along the east side of Salem Street adjacent to the parking lot in front of Anthony’s Liquors/Daily Mart, complete with ADA compliant curb ramps; re-configuring the parking lot in front of Anthony’s in order to improve access and egress to the lost; and reconstruct the median in Spring Street to match the realigned street and provide passable pedestrian refuge.
The intersection of Main Street and Medford Street at Tufts Pool, Park and Curtis-Tufts School – another area where the City will improve safety and visibility via traffic calming and channeling. The concept presented for this area includes constructing the curb extensions at the existing crosswalk across Main Street and aligning Main Street to a tighter approach angle; installing a “Stop” sign rather than Yield; constructing new ADA-compliant ramps at the curb extensions; and creating a separate parking lot abutting Main Street. In addition, there will be bicycle accommodations such as signage and sharrows along Main and Medford Streets within this project area.
High Street at Allston — Pedestrian improvements were made on High Street at the Brooks Elementary School to reduce crossing distance and to slow oncoming traffic. The project involved installation of curb extensions, rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB), curb ramps, and striping. Also, catch basin relocation and appropriate bike signage and striping occurred.
The West Medford Square (Warren Street, Playstead Road and Canal Street) intersection improvements now reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians, calm traffic, and improve pedestrian visibility. There are new curb extensions, pavement markings and new curb ramps.
Within Medford Square — the intersection of Salem Street at Ashland Street and River Street now features curb extensions, ADA accessibility and rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) in order to shorten the existing crosswalk across Salem Street and to increase pedestrian visibility.
The Winthrop Circle — intersecting at High Street constructed new ADA curb ramps at five intersections, installed a pedestrian refuge island at the intersection of Rural Ave. and High St., striped splitter islands at all approaches, installed “Yield” signs at all approaches, striped dotted line circle at the roundabout and shortened crosswalks for pedestrians in order to also increase visibility.
Boston Avenue Corridor — from High Street to the Somerville Line now has bicycle accommodations including dedicated bike lanes. Corridor segments that do not support bike lanes will have appropriate markings. Signage was installed, as well.