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Water and Sewer Commission


The Water and Sewer Commission works with Internal Departments, City Councilors and the public to serve the city of Medford.  The Commission plays an intricate role in establishing The yearly Water and Sewer Rates, enforcing The Water and Sewer Regulations and working with the public to find a solution to any water and sewer billing issues that they may encounter.

Water and Sewer Regulations 

The Commission holds 3 seats which are occupied by

Domenic Camarra, Chair, term expires 3/31/2025 - $1,100 stipend

Emily Monea, term expires 3/1/2026 - $950 stipend

Michael Mastrobuoni, term expires 2/28/2027 - $950 stipend

Danae Kristiansen, Secretary - $1,500 stipend



Danae Kristiansen, Head Clerk

Medford Engineering Department

85 George P. Hassett Drive, Room 300, Medford, MA 02155

Phone Number: 781-393-2474
Fax: 781-393-2474