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Community Preservation Committee


The Community Preservation Act (CPA) was approved by Medford voters in November 2015, enabling Medford to establish a Community Preservation Fund (CPF) to be used for open space protection, historic preservation, affordable housing and outdoor recreation purposes. CPA funds are raised through a small surcharge on local property taxes; in Medford the charge is 1.5% of property tax bills. By participating in CPA, Medford also receives an annual distribution from the statewide Community Preservation Trust Fund.

The Community Preservation Committee of Medford is responsible for evaluating the preservation needs of the City of Medford, and making recommendations to the Mayor and Medford City Council to appropriate Community Preservation Act funds for projects that would best fulfill those needs. Through use of an open process, and actively engaging the community, we will endeavor to improve open space, recreation, affordable housing, and historic preservation through the allocation of funding provided by the citizens and businesses of the City of Medford.

3 year term, 9 members


Roberta CameronChair, Mayor Appointee
Term expires 4/6/2026

Joan CyrVice Chair, Mayor Appointee
Term expires 4/6/2026

Doug CarrHistorical Commission
Term expires 4/6/2025

Ari Gofman FishmanCommunity Development Board Representative
Term expires 6/6/2026

Caileen Foley, Housing Authority Representative
Term expires 9/12/2026

Reginald Graham, Park Commission Representative
Term expires 4/6/2026

Ada Gunning, Mayor Appointee
Term expires 7/1/2027

Myisha Majumder, Mayor Appointee
Term expires 9/10/2025

Vacant, Conservation Commission Representative
Term expires 6/30/2025




City Hall: Room 308

Theresa Dupont
Community Preservation Act Manager
Phone: 781-393-2480