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Medford Offering Discounted Rain Barrels for 2024 Season

Medford Offering Discounted Rain Barrels for 2024 Season

The City of Medford is again offering residents access to discounted rain barrels through vendor partner, The Great American Rain Barrel (TGARB) for 2024, Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn announced. The barrels are being offered at $84 for unpainted and $89 for painted/colors. Orders must be submitted by April 28 at midnight and picked up at the distribution event on Wednesday, May 8 from 5pm-7pm at Medford High School.  

“Our community continues to feel the effects of climate change as we have seen significant rain fall this past year,” said Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn. “By continuing this cost-friendly eco conscious solution for our residents, we can better help mitigate flooding events in our streets, provide a sustainable water source for our plant life, and reduce our demand on public water systems.” 

After the fourth driest summer in 2022, and the fourth wettest summer in 2021, the summer of 2023 was the second wettest on record in Boston, with 20 inches of rain in three months. With such large volumes of precipitation, infrastructure can be overwhelmed, creating flooding issues. 

According to the EPA, rain barrels can save the average homeowner 1,300 gallons of water. Rain barrels can help conserve water and protect the environment by: 

·       Reducing runoff and non-point source pollution by capturing rainwater from the roof that would otherwise become runoff. 

·       Providing an additional source of water during droughts. 

·       Reducing erosion and flooding. 

·       Saving drinking water resources and money.  

To find out more about the barrels and place your order online, please visit: and select Medford from the drop-down menu. 

About the Great American Rain Barrel 

The Great American Rain Barrel is a local food-import company that has been repurposing shipping drums into Rain Barrels since 1988. The Great American Rain Barrel Co. has been an approved vendor by the MASS DEP since 2010. 

  • Rain Barrels